Bodegas A Coroa is located in the municipality of A Rúa de Valdeorras in the province of Orense, within the denomination of origin Valdeorras in the valley of Valdeorras whose climate makes these wines so special.
A Coroa produces select high quality wines. This is because it is a family winery that has a rational and modern viticulture model that gives its wines a special personality in search of a unique quality. The vineyards are divided into 5 farms where Godello varieties are grown in very old vines on soils with an important slope of around 15%.
The wines of A Coroa aim to reflect a special quality and personality for it, they are made with an exclusive treatment through manual harvests and a very careful vinification by their winemaker Ángel Sánchez Cuesta, pioneer in the production of wines of the Godello and Mencía varieties, and perfect connoisseur of both.
The winery has several wines: A Coroa Godello and A Coroa Lías are its main wines, both of the Godello variety, quality synonyms and well known throughout the appellation of origin. It presents a quite good tasting note worthy of admiration for all those who have tasted these wines at some time.