It is a winery located in the province of Burgos, specifically in the municipality of Coruña del Conde where the vineyards are located at a high altitude between 900 and 1,100 meters above sea level in a field of approximately ten hectares where they are grown The varieties of Syrah and Tempranillo.
The wines of Clunia are special. The cultivated varieties have a unique character in the region, since they are cultivated to a great height in sandy loam type soils with pebbles that makes it a very poor soil in terms of nutrients for the vine, which is beneficial for Achieve a harvest of very low yields but of an excellent quality.
For this reason, Clunia produces a wine of height with a great complexity although full of nuances that give greatness and authenticity to the wines. They also have the recognition of numerous competitions and international awards such as Decanter, Guía Peñin, Wine Challange, Mundus Vini ...